General review & PSSA practice
Review and PSSA Practice
Ready to review or practice some of what we've learned this year? Try the following website.
Ready to review or practice some of what we've learned this year? Try the following website.
This has many resources! It goes with a textbook that is different from ours, so the unit numbers don't correspond with our topics. Look below to see what lesson you would like to practice. Then click on the link above, and choose the unit and lesson (based on the list below). Finally, choose the type of practice you'd like: reteaching, practice or homework, enrichment, or problem-solving. If you print out pages, do the problems, and bring them to school, I'll check them for you!
Unit 1: Place Value of Whole Numbers and Decimals
1.1 Place Value Through Hundred Thousands (whole numbers)
1.2 Place Value and Exponents
1.3 Place Value Through Hundred Billions (whole numbers)
1.4 Compare, Order, and Round Whole Numbers
1.5 Place Value Through Thousandths (decimals)
1.6 Problem-Solving Strategy: Find a Pattern
1.7 Compare, Order, and Round Decimals
2.1 Algebra: Expressions and Addition Properties
2.2 Estimate Sums and Differences (whole numbers and decimals)
2.3 Add and Subtract Whole Numbers
2.4 Add and Subtract Greater Numbers (up to hundred millions)
2.5 Algebra: Addition and Subtraction Equations
2.6 Problem-Solving Decision: Relevant Information
Unit 2: Multiplication, Division, and Algebra
3.1 Algebra: Expressions and Multiplication Properties
3.2 Model the Distributive Property
3.3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning
3.4 Multiply by One-Digit Numbers
3.5 Algebra: Mental Math: Patterns in Multiples of 10
3.6 Estimate Products
3.7 Multiply by Two-Digit Numbers
3.8 Problem-Solving Decision: Explain Your Solution
4.1 Estimate Quotients
4.2 One-Digit Divisors
4.3 Problem-Solving Application: Use Operations
4.4 Divisibility
4.5 Zeros in the Quotient
4.6 Problem-Solving Strategy: Guess and Check
4.7 Algebra: Solve Equations
5.1 Divide by Multiples of 10, 100, and 1000
5.2 Divide by Two-Digit Divisors
5.3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Work Backward
5.4 Adjusting Quotients
5.5 Division With Greater Numbers (up to hundred thousands)
5.6 Algebra: Order of Operations
5.7 Problem-Solving Application: Interpret Remainders
Unit 3: Measurement/Data and Graphing
6.1 Measurement Concepts
6.2 Customary Units of Length
6.3 Customary Units of Weight and Capacity
6.4 Metric Units of Length (includes decimeters)
6.5 Metric Units of Mass and Capacity (includes deciliters)
6.6 Add and Subtract Measurements
6.7 Problem Solving Decisions: Multistep Problems
7.1 Double Bar Graphs
7.2 Histograms (type of bar graph) (unneeded)
7.3 Line and Double Line Graphs
7.4 Choose an Appropriate Graph
7.5 Misleading Graphs
7.6 Problem-Solving Decision: Relevant Information
8.1 Collect and Organize Data
8.2 Mean, Median, Mode, and Range (unneeded)
8.3 Stem and Leaf Plot (unneeded)
8.4 Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Table
8.5 Draw Conclusions and Make Predictions (unneeded)
Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions and Decimals
9.1 Prime and Composite Numbers (unneeded)
9.2 Prime Factorization (unneeded)
9.3 Greatest Common Factor
9.4 Least Common Multiple
9.5 Fractions and Mixed Numbers
9.6 Equivalent Fractions and Simplest Form
9.7 Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning
9.8 Relate Fractions, Mixed Numbers, and Decimals
9.9 Compare and Order Fractions and Decimals
10.1 Estimate With Fractions
10.2 Add With Like Denominators
10.3 Add Fractions With Unlike Denominators
10.4 Add Mixed Numbers
10.5 Subtract Fractions With Like Denominators
10.6 Subtract With Unlike Denominators
10.7 Problem-Solving Strategy: Draw a Diagram
10.8 Subtract Mixed Numbers
11.1 Explore + and – With Decimals
11.2 Add Decimals
11.3 Subtract Decimals
11.4 Estimate Decimal Sums and Differences
11.5 Problem-Solving Decisions: Choose a Method
Unit 5: Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimals
12.1 Model Multiplication
12.2 Multiply Fractions
12.3 Multiply With Mixed Numbers
12.4 Model Division
12.5 Divide Fractions
12.6 Divide Mixed Numbers
12.7 Problem-Solving Decision: Choose the Operation
13.1 Explore Multiplication
13.2 Multiply Whole Numbers and Decimals
13.3 Estimate Products
13.4 Multiply Decimals
13.5 Zeros in the Product
13.6 Problem-Solving Decisions: Reasonable Answers
14.1 Explore Division With Decimals
14.2 Estimate Quotients
14.3 Mental math: Multiply/Divide by Powers of 10
14.4 Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number
14.5 Write Zeros in the Dividend
14.6 Repeating Decimals
14.7 Divide a Decimal by a Decimal
14.8 Problem-Solving Application: Decide How to Write the Quotient
Unit 6: Geometry and Measurement
15.1 Points, Lines, and Rays
15.2 Measure, Draw, and Classify Angles (some unneeded)
15.3 Triangles
15.4 Congruence (unneeded)
15.5 Quadrilaterals and Other Polygons
15.6 Rotations, Reflections, and Translations (unneeded)
15.7 Problem-Solving Strategy: Make a Model (unneeded)
15.8 Circles (unneeded)
15.9 Symmetry (unneeded)
16.1 Perimeter
16.2 Problem-Solving Strategy: Find a Pattern
16.3 Algebra: Area of a Parallelogram (unneeded)
16.4 Algebra: Area of a Triangle (unneeded)
16.5 Perimeter and Area of Irregular Figures
16.6 Algebra: Circumference of a Circle (unneeded)
17.1 Solid Figures
17.2 Two-Dimensional Views of Solid Figures
17.3 Nets (unneeded)
17.4 Surface Area
17.5 Problem-Solving Strategy: Solve a Simpler Problem
17.5 Volume
17.6 Problem-Solving Application: Use Formulas
Unit 7: Ratio, Proportion, Percent, and Probability (unneeded)
Unit 8: Algebra, Integers, and Coordinate Graphing
21.1 Algebra: Model Equations
21.2 Algebra: Write and Solve Equations
21.3 Problem-Solving Strategy: Write an Equation
21.4 Algebra: Variables and Functions
21.5 Algebra: Patterns and Functions
22.1 Integers and Absolute Value (unneeded)
22.2 Compare and Order Integers (unneeded)
22.3 Model Addition of Integers (unneeded)
22.4 Model Subtraction of Integers (unneeded)
22.5 Add and Subtract Integers (unneeded)
22.6 Problem-Solving Application: Use Integers (unneeded)
23.1 Integers and the Coordinate Plane (advanced)
23.2 Integers and Functions (unneeded)
23.3 Algebra: Use Functions and Graphs (unneeded)
23.4 Problem-Solving Application: Use a Graph
23.5 Transformations in the Coordinate Plane (unneeded)