As a first-grade teacher here at Londonderry Elementary, I can assure you that you'll always find something exciting going on in our classroom. This is such an exciting time in the lives of our students and I feel privileged to share in their growing process.
I have included a few notes on this site to help parents know how they can help provide for a positive year for their child.
Our typical daily routine consists of:
Opening Activities (Lunch count, Attendance and Pledge of Allegiance)JournalsMovement ActivityLanguage Arts Skills Instruction / FundationsReading Groups and ELA CentersLunchSilent ReadingRecessCircletime (calendar, weather, counting, oral language, class news)Writing Workshop"Special" ClassMathSocial Studies/ScienceRead AloudClass Jobs
I believe that parent/teacher communication is a key factor in your child's education. I will do my best to keep all parents informed and I hope that you will do the same for me. A monthly newsletter will be sent home via email or with your child. Feel free to contact me by sending a note to school with your child, leaving me a voice mail message at the school office 944-9462 (ext. 103), sending me a Dojo message or sending me an e-mail at ceberhard@ldsd.org . Please send me ALL email addresses for any parents or guardians who will need to receive important information about our class this year.